
Debra Price Talks About How New Album Transforms and Renews

Debra Price

Recording artist, songwriter, minister, intercessor and savvy business woman Debra Price Born (Debra McKinney) started singing at a very young age. She brings a soulful, urban upbeat, jazzy worship blend of inspiring uplifting music. Lady Debra has received rave reviews from The Urban Inspirational Awards and The Inferno Urban Music Society as one of the best Rhythm and Praise artists. Lady Price has graced the stage alongside Gospel Great Mrs. Shirley Caesar. Her new single entitled "I Need You" from the newly released, "Transform Me" album is currently promoted on various radio stations and won  "New Song of the Year" and earned Debra the "R & P Artist of the Year" Award.  

Hallels: How would describe your style of music?  

I think my music is Urban/Contemporary Gospel.

Hallels:  Let's talk about your new single "I Need You."  For our readers who have not heard it yet, what's the song about?

"I Need You" came at a time in my life when we we're going through some very tough times, spiritually, financially, emotionally. We were just drained and needed to stop and surrender everything and everyone to Daddy GOD. When you are in a storm and the wind is blowing so hard, you feel scared, and hopeless but then the storm blows over and you can see the sun (SON) shinning again. We need build a strong relationship with JESUS.

Hallels:  You have also released your second record "Transform Me."  What are some of the lessons you wish listeners would grasp after listening to this record?

I want people to know that if we change our way of thinking and Renew our minds in the Word. Because we need to think on good things, true things (what the Bible say is true) lovely things, we can heal our bodies by thinking on good things. We can love everybody by thinking good about people. When we have the mind of Christ JESUS it will show in the way we treat one another. We all need to be transformed.

Hallels: In many of the songs, you address women encouraging them to find their identity in Christ.  In this regard, I love your song "Masterpiece."  How will your songs speak to women today?

There have been some ladies to say to me because they grew up maybe overweight or told that they were not beautiful or would never be someone special that they believed it and even as adults we can still have that low self image about ourselves. I myself was treated in this negative way. But DADDY GOD reveals to us in His Word that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that He has thoughts of Peace for us not evil, that He even has a purpose and a plan for our lives that we are His Master Piece created by Him for Him. WoW He Loves Us.

Hallels:  Tell us about the making of this record, what were some of the blessings and challenges in making this new album?

The Blessing for "Transform Me" is I really believe the Holy Spirit helped me to write the songs, All the songs just came out of my spirit so quickly and really Encouraging to me, I cried and I danced. The challenges was at that time my husband T-WON ( my producer) couldn't hear what was in me to be recorded so we had other producers to come in and record for me and it was powerful.

Hallels:  How has this album helped you yourself in your walk with Christ?

I totally depend on Daddy GOD and everyday I Need Him. I asked Daddy GOD to search my heart and to take all the mess out of me (anger, bitterness,etc) and replace them with the fruits of the spirit Love, Peace, Self-control, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness, Joy. He is doing a great job of working on me and my family and for that I'm Grateful. 

Hallels:  Where can our readers go to find out more about you and your music?

All of my music can be Purchased or Downloaded from the major online stores ( Amazon, itunes, google play, cdbaby) link   

I really want to say Thank you Hallels for this Interview and sharing my music. Daddy God Bless You.

Tags : debra price debra price transform me debra price interview debra price news debra price new album debra price latest

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